Everything Good Guy List


I have had a career, and I’ve had a calling.

Much of my career has been writing about science, or reporting stories about people in newspaper articles. It has focused on the truth, as I understand it. It’s been a good career.

My calling beckons me to share with others about things that are not necessarily events that happened within the time-web of history. It takes me to the realm of storytelling.  That is where I dwell when I write fiction.

I build my fiction upon that which I have observed as a reporter, a scientist, a Marine, and as an American Boomer.

The Good Guy List is my first novel.

The Good Guy List is a book of fiction that tells of the love that family and community invests and expends on young ones. It is a story that builds on redemption, sacrifice, and survival. It is the story of twin brothers who come of age in the 60’s. It tells of those who loved them.

More about The Good Guy List.

More about Why The Good Guy List  was written.