Category: Meanderings
On Writers: Quinn’s One Sided Covers Stroke’s Impact
The documentation on the cover of the original Woodstock records included an apology for the quality of the album’s production. The live, outdoor setting at Max Yusgar’s dairy farm fell short of professional studio standards, so Woodstock’s producers cautioned listeners that the album contained flaws much like fine leather that shows the markings of the…
Walk, Talk, Run, Fun…
It’s interesting to consider; I’ve been thinking longer than I’ve been talking. Certainly longer than I’ve been writing. Hmmm. I wonder which I am better at? Clearly dependent variables. Can’t imagine writing anything without mastering at least some semblance of organized thought. Unless you’re Tom Robbins, the master of thought that runs by a different…
Pot Gift Bombs, All the More to Cherish
If you squint so hard your eyes water, you might see it: Our new tea pot looks like a bomb. Squint a little harder and Pot’s spout multiplies and her bomb-like shape evolves into one of those mines that floats around in oceans, bobbing up against vessels and blowing them to Davey Jones’ locker. Really,…
The Making of an Electorate
The summer when I was 11, my Uncle Tom carefully encouraged me to watch both political conventions. I didn’t know his party or his political leanings. He simply sat with me, watched, and asked my thoughts about the speeches delivered by the politicians in Chicago and Los Angeles. He made me think and shape those…
Memory in Fiction Writing
Having a poor memory may facilitate fiction writing, if imagination takes hold. Imagination can be mustered, nurtured and cultivated. A healthy imagination can compensate for a lousy memory. It can build upon the shreds of forgotten recollections. Even if one’s memory remains crisp, relaxed loosely disciplined memory synergizes with imagination to create the near truths…
Late summer shrooms and brie on an heirloom
We had a great catch at Rochester’s farmer’s market yesterday. It made for a spectacular quick-fix dinner. We brought home fresh shitake, shallots, and an heirloom tomato. I sliced a thick disc from the plump mid-section of the tomato and set it on a cedar shake. Two thumb sized slabs of a nicely ripened brie…
Eat this!
Our family seldom eats away from home. We prefer to cook our meals. I have been the mainstay in the kitchen for years. More recently, Anne and Mike have surpassed me in their knowledge and skills as chefs. Spe generic sildenafilts in sexual dysfunction in males and females. A shower filter typically consists of a…
Happy BBDay
Today is my birthday. It is also the birthday of my blog and web site. It’s a brand new The only difference between the two is the name and the fact that the generic version can be produced by a variety of companies, unlike viagra online uk. More than one pill is not recommended within…